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Covid-19 Update

posted on 8/3/21

The number of COVID-19 cases continue to increase in Marion County and across Iowa and the US.  Approximately 80% of the new cases are the Delta variant.  August 2 data indicates a “positivity rate” for Marion County of about 15%.  This indicates the percent of people testing positive vs. those testing negative, and is affected by the total number of people tested.  August 2 data indicates approximately 0.168% of Marion County’s population has a positive test.  While there are some breakthrough cases with people who have been vaccinated, the large majority of cases appear to be unvaccinated people.  Youth ages 12 and older are able to receive the Pfizer vaccine, available at local pharmacies.  MCPHD does not and does not plan to carry the Pfizer vaccine.  Vaccine continues to be readily available.  Individuals who wish to get the vaccination should call arrange for vaccination with a local pharmacy.


Medicap Pharmacy, 318 N Lincoln St, Knoxville, IA 641-828-7312

HyVee Pharmacy, 809 W Rock Island, Knoxville, IA  641-842-2512

HyVee Pharmacy, 118 SE 9th St, Pella, IA  641-628-1280

Pella Regional Health Center Pharmacy, 802 Washington St, Pella, IA 641-628-1612

Groups who wish to arrange for vaccination should call Marion County Public Health at 641-828-2238 x 0.


The state of Iowa has discontinued orders for Public Health Departments to conduct Isolation and Quarantine.  We remain happy to assist our citizens when they do test positive.  Please feel free to call our office at 641-828-2238 and ask for covid assistance.  Our COVID-19 email remains in place, so questions can still be sent to [email protected] .    Marion County Public Health no longer calls those who test positive to do follow up and case tracking.  COVId-19 is endemic in the population.  This means it can be expected to be in the population.  Like all other routine diseases, and individuals and families need to determine how best to protect themselves from exposure.  Public health guidance in Iowa continues that families should evaluate their own risk, based on their habits and routines, and act accordingly to prevent disease spread.  In addition to vaccination for vaccine preventable diseases, Marion County Public Health continues to recommend the use of mitigation approaches, including staying home when you are sick, washing and/or sanitizing your hands, cover your cough, using facemasks per your family’s decision on masking, and social distancing as appropriate.


Marion County Public Health has free covid tests available.  If you need to arrange for a test, please call MCPHD at 641-828-2238 x 0 and ask for how to get a test.  Please do NOT enter the office and request a test.