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Let's Go Birding!

posted on 4/30/24

Let’s go birding with Kelly McKay! Just in time for all the Neotropical migrants returning! This is a great chance to see and hear Scarlet Tanagers, Summer Tanagers, Warblers, Orioles, Grosbeaks, Indigo Buntings, etc.

The Marion County Conservation Dept. is so excited to host the 3rd and final Building Better Birders and Citizen Scientists Workshop at the Cordova Park Office, 1378 Hwy G28, Otley, IA 50214, Saturday, May 25, 2024. Cordova Park is located on the north side of Lake Red Rock.

This program is geared for family and is a come and go event.
Here is a list of the following schedule:

Saturday, May 25th, 2024
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Come for as many or as few sessions as you would like!)

Session 1: 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bird Hike around Cordova and the Karr Trail.
This is going to be such a great time to view, hear, and learn about the neotropical migrants that have just returned to their Midwest breeding grounds. We can hope to see Scarlet Tanagers, Summer Tanagers, Indigo Buntings, Baltimore Orioles, Orchard Orioles, and some of the most beautiful birds here for just a short time.

Session 2: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Lunch and “Warblers of Iowa” presentation at the Cordova office.

For the past three years, Kelly McKay, along with Clinton County Conservation and Nahant Marsh Education Center have been presenting a program designed to create a citizenry with better bird identification skills and to promote participants getting involved with local citizen science projects.
This workshop is conducted by Kelly McKay (BioEco Research and Monitoring Center), with assistance from Mark Roberts (Clinton County Conservation), Brian Ritter & James Wiebler (Nahant Marsh Ed. Center). Funding for this workshop was provided by Resource Enhancement and Protection-Conservation Education Program (REAP-CEP).
The official workshop website is