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Non-Essential County Offices Closed Monday February 17th President's Day.

Elderly or Disabled Credit Qualifications

posted on 2/3/25

Are you age 65 or older?  Or…  Are you under age 65, but totally disabled?

If you own the house in which you live, you might qualify for an elderly or disabled credit on your property taxes.  Your 2024 income must be less than $26,218.99 to qualify.  You MUST complete Form 54-001e which can be found on the Treasurer’s page of this website or by clicking here:

Are you over age 70 but make more than $26,218.99?

For those homeowners who make more than $26,218.99 but are age 70 or over, you may qualify for a credit that “freezes” your property taxes as of the year you file.  Following are the over 70 income guidelines: 

Do you live in a Mobile Home Park? 

Residents in a mobile homes park only need to be 23 years of age or 18 years of age and disabled to qualify for a property tax credit.  You must own the mobile home in which you live.  You may find the mobile home form here:

IMPORTANT:  You MUST file for these credits every year to qualify.  All forms are due in the Treasurer’s office by JUNE 1, 2025.  If  you are on our mailing list, those forms were mailed on January 29. 

You may find more information on our website: or we are happy to assist you at 641-828-2202.