Applying for Marriage
FIVE day waiting period to receive the license to marry.
There is a 4 step process to getting married in Iowa.
1. Application
- In person applications are processed by appointment only.
- Call our office to request an application if you would like to use the mail to apply.
- All signatures must be notarized. DO NOT SIGN UNLESS IN FRONT OF A NOTARY.
- 3 people must sign the application & provide valid photo I.D:
- the couple
- witness over 18 years old who knows both parties
- $35 fee paid by cash or check only.
There is a FIVE day waiting period before the Marriage License is issued and valid before the ceremony may occur. Please see the chart below.
Day of application | License Valid Day |
Monday | Friday |
Tuesday | Saturday |
Wednesday | Sunday |
Thursday | Monday |
Friday | Tuesday |
2. Marriage Packet will be ready for pick up on or after your Valid Day. There are 3 ways for applicants to receive their Marriage Packet from the Marion County Recorder's Office.
- Send in the mail to address provided on the application.
- Pick up at any time during business hours with valid photo I.D.
- By appointment with a Vitals Clerk, who will go through the instructions with applicant.
3. Ceremony is required by the State of Iowa for all marriages. There is not a formal registration of officants in the State of Iowa. §595.10 So, who can marry a couple in the State of Iowa?
- Any individual ordained or the couple views as a leader of their faith.
- An Iowa judge, magistrate, or associate judge serving in an Iowa court.
Are you thinking of having a Judge perform your ceremony?
- Complete Marriage Application, step 1.
- Collect your Marriage Packet, step 2.
- Set up an appointment with the Marion County Clerk of Court, 641-828-2207.
4. Certified Copy is processed after return of the completed Certificate of Marriage, within 15 days of ceremony. If applicant(s) opted for name change, this document will be used to change your name on Driver's License, Social Security, Passports, employment records, benefits, etc.
- Returning completed Certificate of Marriage for customer convenience there are 3 ways:
- Mail to Marion County Recorder; 214 E Main St; Knoxville, IA 50138. Certified Copy will be returned by mail.
- Dropped off during regular business hours. Certified Copy will be available for pick up at time Vital Clerks specify or returned by mail.
- Book appointment: Certified Copy will be printed and given to applicants during appointment.