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Driver's License


Driver's license services are available by appointment.  Walk-ins welcome.  However, if you book online or call us for an appointment, we can ask questions to make sure you bring all necessary documents with you.  Appointments also allow us to contact you should our system go down, office closures, inclement weather, etc., and we are unable to serve you.  

This includes renewals, replacements, TRL's, state-issued ID's, address changes, all testing, Real ID's, etc. 

* Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *

* Starting July 1, 2024, there has been a change to the minor school license.  See section below for more information.  


View hours and testing information for driver's licenses.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Hours & Locations 

* Services & Testing

* Skip the Trip Testing & Parent Taught Driver's Education Course

* CDL Information

* Real ID Requirements

* Address Changes

* New to Iowa?

* Suspensions & Revocations

* Iowa DOT Contact Info

* Concerned about a loved one's safety while driving?



Hours & Locations

Renew your license 30 days before or 60 days after your birthday. If your license has been expired for over one year, full testing (computer and skills) are required.


Renewals, by appointment |  8:00 am – 4:00 pm (last appt. at 3:45 pm)
Computer Testing, by appointment | 8:00 am – 3:00 for CDL testing or 3:30 pm for permit testing

Book an Appointment

Walk-ins also welcome.  However, if you book online or call us for an appointment, we can ask questions to make sure you bring all necessary documents with you.  Appointments also allow us to contact you should our system go down, office closures, etc., and we are unable to serve you.  


Skills Driving Test: 

  • Tuesday mornings by appointment only.
  • Cannot be made online, but call the office to get an appointment.
  • Skills tests can be scheduled after passing the computer exam.
  • No motorcycles or CDL skills testing in Marion County.  You may Contact a state DOT station to find a motorcycle or CDL testing location.



Book an Appointment

Renewals | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (last appt. at 3:45 pm) on Wednesdays only at the Pella Community Center, Room 200 (712 Union Street)
Computer Test | 9:00 am – 3:00 pm on Wednesdays only
Driving Skills Test | No driving tests in Pella

*** The Pella location does not have a phone.  Please call the Knoxville location for questions ***


Services & Testing

Permit Test Requirements

  • Certified birth certificate,
  • Social security card (or completed affidavit by the parent with the minors social security number), 
  • Address verification:
    • Must show 2 items, 
    • This can include any of the following: student report card or other correspondence showing name & address, birthday card, bank statement, paystub, or any other piece of mail. 
      • If you can only find one, we may use one from the the minors parents name (as long as the address is the same).
  • A parent or legal guardian must be present at the appointment or this Parent Consent Form (Iowa DOT Form 430018) must be completed prior to the appointment.

* We offer computer tests starting at 8:15 a.m. and the last test of the day must start by 3:30 p.m. 

There is a smart phone app or the following is a link for the Iowa DOT practice test:

Skip the Trip

Most school in Marion County offer permit testing through the Iowa DOT and local schools called Skip the Trip.  If you wish to take the test through your school, inquire further with the school administration.  Once the student passes the test at the school, all the above listed documentation is still required to be issued the permit.  

If the student is home schooled or wishes to take the test at home with a home proctor, the application and more information on the process can found here:

Parent Taught Driver's Education

The Iowa DOT also allows for Parent Taught Driver's Education.  You must apply to enter this program, complete the required items, submit those to the DOT at the end and then the student must drive with a licensed DOT examiner.  To drive in Marion County, we only drive on Tuesday mornings, by appointment only.  If you've completed everything and need to book a 'skills driving test, ' you are unable to book those online and must call the office at 641-828-2202.  To learn more about Parent Taught Driver's Education, please click here:

Moped Licenses

  • Must have a valid drivers permit,
  • Must be 14 years old,
    • If under age 16, must have completed and passed an Iowa approved moped course,
    • If age 16 or older, no additional testing or endorsement is required with a valid Iowa license,
  • A parent or legal guardian must be present at the appointment or this Parent Consent Form (Iowa DOT Form 430018) must be completed prior to the appointment,
  • Please bring in your current license or know your social security number to your appointment.

Special Minor’s Restricted License (SMRL) aka School Permit Requirements

Printable Flyer for Special Minor's Restricted License

* NEW - Starting July 1, 2024 -- See new guidelines below:

  • Be at least 14 1/2 years old, 
  • Completed and passed an Iowa approved Driver's Education course,
  • 6 months of having a permit, 
  • 6 consecutive months prior to apply with no accidents or citations,
  • Be enrolled at a public, private or homeschool, 
  • Have the appropriate school authority AND a parent or legal guardian sign the Affidavit for Special Minor's Restricted License (Iowa DOT Form 430021),
  • Have parent or legal guardian completed the Parental Consent for Special Minor's Restricted License (Iowa DOT Form 430022),
  • Please bring in your current license or know your social security number to your appointment.

*** Starting July 1, 2024, a new law allows students to drive without adult supervision to:

  • School sponsored activities,
  • Extracurricular activities, 
  • Your job or to complete farm-related work if you live or work on an Iowa farm.
  • Driving is restricted to within one hour before and/or after, using the most direct route and distance is within 25 miles of your home. 
  • Consequences for getting caught outside of these restrictive perimeters can suspend your license for 3 months and will hold you at this license for a longer time frame. 

Intermediate License 

  • Must be at least 16 years old, 
  • Completed and passed an Iowa approved Driver's Education course, 
  • Have held your permit for 1 complete year (365 days), 
  • Have a clean driving record (no accidents or citations) for at least 6 consecutive months prior,
  • A parent or legal guardian must be present at the appointment or this Parent Consent Form (Iowa DOT Form 430018) must be completed prior to the appointment.
  • Please bring in your current license or know your social security number to your appointment.

An intermediate license allows you to drive without adult supervision between 5 am - 12:30 am. 

Note - You are required to follow the restrictions of each of the above licenses, until you upgrade to the next license.  For example, once you turn 17, if you have completed the requirements, its important to make an appointment to come in and upgrade to your full license with no restrictions.  If you do not come in and upgrade to your full license, you are still under the restrictions of the intermediate license.  This could result in a citation even though you've met the requirements of the full license.      

Full License

  • Must be at least 17 years old, 
  • Keep your intermediate license for at least 12 consecutive months, 
  • Maintain a clean driving record for 12 consecutive months,
  • Complete 10 hours of supervised driving while holding your intermediate license. 
  • Or upon turning 18 you can obtain a full license without meeting the above requirements. 



Renewals are $4 per year for basic renewals. Motorcycle endorsements are an additional $2 per year. 
*Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *

  • Renewal Requirements
    • 8-year renewals | 18 to 72-year-olds
    • 7-year renewals | 73-year-olds
    • 6-year renewals | 74-year-olds
    • 5-year renewals | 75-year-olds
    • 4-year renewals | 76-year-olds
    • 3-year renewals | 77-year-olds
    • 2-year renewals | 78-year-olds and older
  • Please bring in your current license or know your social security number to your appointment.


All drivers, regardless of age, must take and pass drivers education or drive with an examinor to obtain a license.  

More information on drivers education can be found here:

For a map showing approved local drivers education instructors:

Skills Drive Testing

All skills drive tests must be scheduled by the staff.  Marion County offers skills drive tests by appointment only on Tuesday mornings. 

If your drivers license has been expired for over one year, FULL testing (written and skills) tests are required. 

Also, all parent taught drivers education students must take the skills drive test.    


Bring your social security card or number to prove your identity at your appointment.  The cost to obtain a duplicate drivers license or identitication card is $10.  

*Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *

Identification Cards

  • Identification card is $8.00. *Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *
  • In Iowa, you can have an ID card or a driver's license; you are not allowed to have both. 
  • Iowa non-operator's ID cards will be issued with an expiration date of eight years.
  • If you are being issued an Iowa ID without having ever having been issued before, you are required to bring all the docuemnts for the Real ID.  


Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Checks made out to Treasurer, State of Iowa
  • Debit/credit cards for an additional $1.50

Commercial Drivers Licence (CDL)

CDLs cost $8 per year, and will have the same expiration as your license.  *Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *

If you have the hazmat endorsement, testing is required at renewal time.  Every five years, fingerprints and background checks are required as well. More information can be found on the Iowa DOT website.

Holding a CDL requires you to certify if you are interstate (using your CDL while outside of the state of Iowa) or intrastate (only using your CDL within Iowa). If you certify as interstate you will need the following:

Failure to comply within the required timeline will result in a downgrade of your CDL. 

* We offering CDL computer tests starting at 8:15 a.m. and due to the length of the CDL test(s), the last test appointment will start at 3:15 p.m.  To book an appointment to take the CDL computer test in Marion County, click here.

For more information on CDL's and CDL testing, see the Iowa DOT website here:


NEW!  EDLT TRAINING:  The Iowa DOT made significant changes to the issuance of commerical drivers licenses starting February 7, 2022.  To gather information about the new requirements in getting a CDL in the state of Iowa, visit the Iowa DOT page:

To determine if you are required to complete entry-level driver training see the ELDT Applicability Fact Sheet.

* Reminder!  CDL holders must bring in their birth certificate, passport or INS document to renew if they don’t have a Real ID.

REAL ID Requirements

  • Deadline: May 7, 2025
  • You will need a Real ID (gold star on your license) to fly domestically or gain access to a federal building after this deadline.  To fly outside of the United States, you will still need to carry a valid passport.  
  • Typical documents needed (you will need all three):
    • Identity
      • Birth certificate or valid passport
    • Social security
      • Card or 1099/W-2 with full number listed on document
    • Residency
      • Two pieces of mail
    • You may also need proof of legal name change, if applicable
  • $10 if not at renewal time


*Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *

Iowa DOT REAL ID Info    View REAL ID flyer


Address Change

If you are an Iowa resident and have moved to a new residence, the cost to update the address shown on your drivers license or identification card is $10.  Make an appointment above and at the appointment you can verbally give us your new address (mail is not required).  

If you have moved to Iowa from another state or country, please see the section "New to Iowa" for more information about the requirements to be issued in Iowa.  You can also inquire more with the Iowa DOT website for more information.

*Beginning July 1, 2024, we will charge a $10.00 convenience fee for all out of county customers. *


New to Iowa?

Learn how to get an Iowa driver's license:

  • If you have the REAL ID in the state you’re moving from, you will need to bring:
    • Proof of identity (passport, birth certificate, INS documents)
    • Proof of social security (social security card, anything listing your full social security number or social security number affidavit for driver's license or identification card services)
    • Proof of residency x 2 (2 pieces of mail)
  • If you do not have the REAL ID on your out of-state-license, you will need to bring:
    • Proof of identity (passport, birth certificate, INS documents)
    • Proof of social security (social security card, anything listing your full social security number or social security number affidavit for driver's license or identification card services
    • Proof of residency x 2 (2 pieces of mail)
    • If your legal name has changed, you will need to bring in your certified legal name change documents (i.e. certified marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.).

* Please note, if you plan on transferring your drivers license and motor vehicle records, you will need two appointments; one with drivers license and one with motor vehicle title transfers.  


Suspensions / Revocations

Find more information on the suspended or revoced drivers licenses here.

For more information on the requirements for an OWI, see here:

You can also use the contact information, phone or chat, below to reach the Iowa DOT directly to get answers to any of your questions.  


Iowa Department of Transportation

For questions regarding your drivers license or driving record information, please call the Iowa DOT at (515) 244-8725. You also have the option to go to the Iowa DOT website to chat or email. 


Certified Driving Records

To obtain a copy of your certified driving record, please visit the Iowa DOT website at:


Concerned about a loved one's safety while driving?

Please check out the Iowa DOT's resources on aging and safe driving:


For more information about drivers licensing, please check out our frequently asked questions section. 

Driver's License FAQ

For additional forms, please check out the online forms. 

View More Forms

Office email: [email protected]


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