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Motor Vehicles


Title transfers are processed by appointment.  Walk-ins welcome. 

However, if you book online or call us for an appointment, we can ask screening questions to make sure you bring all necessary documents with you.  Appointments also allow us to contact you should our systems go down, office closures, inclement weather, etc., and we are unable to serve you.  

Registration renewals, plate exchanges, handicap placards and other transactions do not need an appointment.

 *** A BILL OF SALE is REQUIRED for all title transfers. ***

Renew your motor vehicle tags online or schedule an appointment for vehicle or trailer title transfers or move-ins! Walk-ins welcome prior to 4:00 pm.  However, if you book online or call us for an appointment, we can ask screening questions to make sure you bring all necessary documents with you.  Appointments also allow us to contact you should our systems go down, office closures, inclement weather, etc., and we are unable to serve you.  

The following topics are covered in this section:


Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.   * NOTE- 4 pm is the last title appointment 

Title Transfers by appointment.  Walk-ins welcome.  However, if you book online or call us for an appointment, we can ask screening questions to make sure you bring all necessary documents with you.  Appointments also allow us to contact you should our systems go down, office closures, inclement weather, etc., and we are unable to serve you.  

Registrations, Replacement Titles, Handicapped plates/placards and Vanity plates do not need an appointment. 

** A BILL OF SALE will be REQUIRED for all title transfers (including gifts, family transfers, etc.) beginning January 1, 2022. **

Book an Appointment

*** Busy times:  Mondays, Fridays, lunch hours, and the beginning dates and end dates of each month.  Please plan ahead for these times so we may eliminate wait times for you. *** 


Motor Vehicle Renewals

Pay Online with PIN

  • Motor vehicle registration is due annually.  Your registration month can be changed once through the life of ownership (i.e. vehicles cannot be renewed on month or six months at a time).
  • Courtesy registration renewal reminder notices are mailed the month before registration is due. 
  • There is a three month window to renew; the month before your sticker date, the month of your sticker date or the month after your sticker date. You can drive in Iowa without being penalized during this time. 
  • The following vehicles NOT allowed to renew online include:
    • IRP (prorate),
    • Firefighter vehicles due to the annual certification,  
    • Personalized plates that have been expired for more than 30 days, 
    • Customers with outstanding debts to another state agency; i.e., the Clerk of Court, the Iowa Department of Revenue, etc.

Payment Methods

  • In office with cash, check or card (cards accepted for an additional fee), 
    • Accepted credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover
  • Dropbox which is located outside the south entrance of the courthouse, 
  • ApplePay
  • Mail (if at the end of the month, mail must be postmarked to not incur penalties)
  • By phone with a card or the applicable fee of 2.25% of the total due
  • Renew your vehicle tags online with an e-Check for .25 cents (which is less than a postage stamp) or a  debit/credit card for 2.25% of the total due.

Pay Online with PIN

If renewing online, you must have your PIN.  Your PIN is located on your renewal notice. If you do not have this renewal notice, please call or email our office. NOTE: This pin is specific to you and should not change, therefore the same PIN can be used annually.

*** Checks should be made out to Marion County Treasurer.  All returned checks or online payments are assessed an additional charge of $25.00.  Checks must have an American Bank Association (ABA) routing number.  Foreign checks will not be accepted. ***


Postage for mailing is $5.00 for replacement license plates or $1.00 per registration. The renewal reminder notices that get mailed out, have the postage included in the listed amount due. If you pay at the counter, we will deduct that postage fee. 

You may email any questions to [email protected]

Motor Vehicle Title Transfers

Book Appointment

Title transfers are done by appointment only.  You may self-schedule an appointment to transfer a title by clicking this convenient button:

Book an Appointment

** A BILL OF SALE will be REQUIRED for all title transfers in Marion County starting on January 1, 2022.  Effective November 2023, new title paper will include a bill of sale section on the back of the titles. You must either have a separate bill of sale or have this section on the title completed.  

  • Autos, trucks, motor homes, motorcycles, campers, mobile homes, and trailers greater than 2,001 lbs are titled within the state of Iowa.
  • Trailers less than or equal to 2,000 lbs are issued registration only.
  • 30 Days - New owners have 30 days from the date of purchase to change their title. Penalties start after 30 days.
  • Driving without plates - New owners can drive their new vehicle for 30 days from purchase date without plates on as long as previous owners had current registration. 
    • The owner must carry properly assigned title or bill of sale and proof of insurance if stopped by law enforcement.
  • APPLICATION FOR NEW TITLE - All title transfers require a completed and signed application for certificate of Iowa title and/or registration (Form 411007).
  • Odometer - Written mileage certification is required for vehicles that are a 2010 model and newer Odometer Disclosure Statement
  • Damage Disclosure Statement required for vehicles 7 years and newer


Salvage Titles

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office performs salvage vehicle theft exams by appointment.  You can schedule an appointment to have a salvage titled vehicle inspection through the Sheriff's office page.



We understand you aren't always able to come into the office.  We can assist you with completing a title transfer a couple of different ways. 

- You may call (641) 828-2202 with your title transfer paperwork and drivers license in hand and we can help you calculate the fees and tell you the forms that will be required to transfer.  You could then mail in your paperwork with payment, leave it in our dropbox or have someone bring it to an appointment on your behalf.   See here for more info. 

- You may email copies of the title paperwork you have to [email protected]  Be sure to include a phone number in case we have questions. Via a return phone call or email we can help you calculate the fees and tell you the forms that will be required to transfer.  You could then mail in your paperwork with payment, leave it in our dropbox or have someone bring it to an appointment on your behalf.  See here for more info. 

- You can complete the required title paperwork and forms and have someone else bring the documents to a scheduled appointment to complete the transaction and pay.  If you choose this route, you'll need to be sure you have completed the required forms.  This option requires an appointment which can be booked here - Book an Appointment

** Please note: All title transfers require a completed and signed application for certificate of Iowa title and/or registration (Form 411007). **

In order for us to calculate fees and determine what forms are needed, please be prepared to provide the following information for us:

  1. What is the purchase price of the vehicle?  Fee for new registration (previously road use tax) is 5% of the purchase price + $10.00.  *** Note: a Bill of Sale will be required with EVERY title transfer ***
  2. Is the vehicle 7 years old or newer?  If yes, you will need to complete an Iowa Damage Disclosure Statement (Form Form 411108)
  3. Is the vehicle a 2011 or newer model?  If yes, you will need to provide the current odometer in the space provided on the title assignment. 
  4. Do you need new license plates?  If so, in what month do you want your sticker due?  If you are transferring plates from a sold vehicle, please provide us that Iowa license plate number.
  5. Is there a lienholder?  If so, please provide the correct name, address, and FEIN of your bank, credit union, or other entity.
  6. Do you have a bill of sale?  This is a requirement for all title transfers. 
Title Transfer Fees are as follows:
Fee for new registration (previously road use tax) is 5% of the purchase price + $10.00. 
Iowa Title Fee = $35.00
Iowa Lien Fee, if applicable = $20.00
Iowa Registration = Variable.  
In Iowa, vehicle rates are based on make, model, year, weight and list price.  However, vehicles that are 12 years or older are a flat rate of $50/year. You may call or email our office with the VIN of your vehicle to verify the annual fee. You can anticiapte your registration to be about 1% of the original list price of the vehicle. 

Once the fees are calculated and the forms are completed, you can leave these in the 24/7 dropbox on the south side of the courthouse, or mail the paperwork to us at Marion County Treasurer, 214 E Main St, Ste 9, Knoxville, IA  50138.  You may also pay over the phone by credit card for a 2.25% fee.  

*** Checks should be made out to Marion County Treasurer ***


Bonded Titles

The bonded title process has recently changed and are now handled through the Iowa DOT website.  The bonded title time frame starts at about 6 weeks and goes out from there.  If you are able to obtain a replacement title from the previous owner(s), that is your easiest route, however, we understand that is not always possible.  You can find further information about bonded titles here:


Selling a Vehicle

Upon selling your vehicle to a private individual, you should:

  • Sign on the signature of seller line on first assignment on the back of the title, 
  • Enter the Date of Sale,
  • Print the new owner(s) name and address on the top line of the back of the title,
  • Make sure the buyer completes the top line of the assignment with their legal name and address, 
  • Complete the bill of sale section on the title (newer titles) or make a bill of sale on a separate piec of paper. It must include both parties' names, date of sale and purchase price.  Both parties should keep a copy for their records.  This is is an Iowa Department of Revenue requirement.  
  • Complete the odometer reading (required for vehicles 20 years and newer),
  • Complete the damage disclosure statement (only required for vehicles 7 years and newer),



  • ALWAYS TAKE THE LICENSE PLATES OFF THE VEHICLE and return them to our office.
    • With the license plates, you can apply for a refund for any unused registration for $10 or more.
    • Even if there is no refund, this is the only way we can remove those license plates from your name.  If the new owner(s) drives away with your license plates on the vehicle, there could be a liability for an accident, ticket or other criminal occurrences they might be involved in. TAKE YOUR PLATES OFF! 
    • By signing the title and issuing a bill of sale to the new owner(s), the buyer is able to drive the vehicle within the state of Iowa for 30 days from the date of purchase. 


* Did you move out of state and want a refund for your unused Iowa Registration?  

  • Register your vehicle(s) in your new state of residence. 

  • Make a copy of your new states registration for your vehicle(s). 

  • Mail your license plates back to us with a copy of that new states registration. 

    • Make sure you include your most current phone number or email in the event we have questions.

    • Address for mailing is located at the very bottom.

    • Refunds will be issued by the State of Iowa and can take anywhere from 3 - 8 weeks. 

Replacement Title

*** Download and complete Form 411033 from the Iowa DOT website. ***

 Please note the following:  

  1. Anybody whose name is on the face of the (lost) title MUST sign the replacement application despite ownership between names listing AND or OR.
  2. The replacement title must be ordered in the county where the original title was processed.
  3. You do not need an appointment to order a replacement title.  You may use our drop box, mail the form to us, or bring it to our walk-up window at the Treasurer's office.  
  4. The fee is $35.00.  Checks should be made out to Marion County Treasurer.
  5. After application is completed, returned and payment is made, there is a 5-day waiting period.

If the original title is in your possession but has been altered or spoiled, please submit the original title to us along with form # 411033.  There is no waiting period to replace and altered title so we may process a replacement title on the same day.


New to Iowa?

 To register your vehicle in Iowa, you will need:

  • Your out-of-state title, or a copy of your title, or your out-of-state registration and
  • Completed and signed application for certificate of Iowa title and/or registration (Form 411007) by all owners. 

* Please note, if you plan on transferring your drivers license and motor vehicle records, you will need two appointments; one with drivers license and one with motor vehicle title transfers.  

Iowa law requires you to register your motor vehicle within the county that you reside within 30 days of the date you establish residency.  Iowa registration is required even though you still have valid license plates in another state.   For disposal of your previous states license plates, you will want to contact them directly. They may also offer a refund for a portion of the unused registration.    

If you are providing an out-of-state registration or a copy of your out-of-state title, you will be required to obtain an Iowa title if /when you sell the vehicle in Iowa.  If your title is at a lienholder, you may contact them to notify them of your change of residency and request the title be mailed to us for updating.  You can always wait until the vehicle is paid in full and bring the title in at that time. 

Fees are as follows:

  • Iowa Title Fee = $35.00
  • Iowa Lien Fee = $20.00
  • Iowa Registration = Variable.  
    In Iowa, vehicle rates are based on make, model, year, weight and list price.  However, vehicles that are 12 years or older are a flat rate of $50/year. You may call or email our office with the VIN of your vehicle to verify the annual fee. You can anticiapte your registration to be about 1% of the original list price of the vehicle. 

Is this a leased vehicle? If your vehicle is a leased vehicle, the lessee will need to complete the application for certificate of title and/or registration for a leased vehicle (Iowa DOT Form 411179) to receive plates and registration. 


Title Transfer After Death

When you experience the loss of a loved one, it's difficult to know what paperwork you need to bring to your appointment to transfer a title.  The State of Iowa provides some basic guidelines on their website which you may find here:

Decedent Guidelines 

Important Note:  You must transfer the title from the decendent's name within 1 year from the date of death.  If the title is not transferred by that time, the system does not allow us to renew the vehicle.    

Dealer Licenses & Information

If you’re interested in becoming a licensed motor vehicle dealer within the state of Iowa, please find more information directly from the Iowa DOT on their website or you can receive more information by contacting motor vehicle enforcement at (866) 908-4636 or by email at [email protected].

Dealer Complaints

Complaint forms from the Bureau of Investigation and Identity Protection are used for resolving situations such as:

  • Not receiving or delivering title in the allotted time
  • False odometer statements
  • Complaints concerning licensed dealers or license violations
  • Complaints involving driver’s license fraud and related identity theft

Further information and instructions on filing a complaint can be found on the Iowa DOT website.


For more information about motor vehicles, please check out our frequently asked questions section. 

Motor Vehicles FAQ


Marion County Treasurer

214 E Main Street, Suite #9

Knoxville, Iowa  50138

[email protected]

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